Friday, October 5, 2012

Day 15 - Backwards and Inside Out

... today's post isn't a song title (at least one that I know of), but it is how I managed to put my shirt on this morning. Chris was kind enough to point it out as soon as I got in the door at Bodynetix - and based on the last few weeks, it just felt like an appropriate metaphor.

Life has truly turned itself backwards and inside out the last little while. Work, business, travelling, living arrangements, real estate shopping, training... everything is in semi-chaos, or at best, a state of flux. The one constant I've had is FitCamp. Now even that part of my routine will be changing for the next few weeks, and I'm going to be on my own to keep moving forward. I'm so excited to be going home for a visit, but I'm so scared of backsliding. I don't want to come back in two weeks and feel like I'm starting over.

Unfortunately all those things (and more) were on my very sleep deprived brain this morning, and as much as I wanted to push and make it the best workout yet - I just couldn't get my mojo going today which was disappointing and frustrating. So I wish I could tell you that I totally killed it and kicked total buttooski, 'Last chance workout' style, but I would be fibbing, and I'm trying to keep this blog as honest for you as possible. I still managed to get in more than most people do before 7am in the morning, heck more than most people do all day, and there was sweat (thankfully no blood or tears). So I feel good, just not WOOT level.

I know there are going to be more blips like this on this rollercoaster ride I'm taking... so I'm trying to remind myself that although this is only an 8 week challenge, in the long run, it is a long run... not a sprint. Even after this challenge is over, I'll keep going. I've had a taste of success, and I don't want to let that go anytime soon. This is for my forever health. This is week 3 of the rest of my life. I've still made significant strides towards some serious goals. I've already reached some milestones. And above all, I've had a LOT of fun, and met some wonderful people.

FYI - I will be blogging while I'm away for a couple of weeks. The posts will be a little less evenly timed, so I recommend subscribing via email, so you can get the updates directly and don't have to check for them. I'm going to Nova Scotia, not a tropical resort, so I unfortunately won't be blogging about sunrise yoga on a white sandy beach, but for those convinced it's too tough to workout on vacation, I'm going to do my level best to show you it can be done! (Notice I didn't say TRY my level best? This morning, all Yoda-y, I am.)

On that note - find an inspiring picture to leave you with, I must. Here's one shamelessly pilfered from the Bodynetix FB page.

(Is it bad that I can't read 'I workout' without hearing it in LMFAO voices? Haha, I workouuuuut)

I'm well aware this is also Thanksgiving weekend, so I'm sending you wishes of willpower, proper portion sizes, and no need for elastic waistbands. I know the temptation will be huge, but measure your portions in how many burpees or squats you have to do to burn it off, and it becomes a LOT less appealing...

Average Thanksgiving meal costs you about 3000 calories. That's worth about 4000 squats or 4500 burpees at a high intensity. Reconsider your second serving... ;-)

Anyhoozle - talk atcha you soon, from the other side of the country! I'll do another weigh/measure later this weekend (knowing full well that results will be skewed by water retention/jet lag issues... bear with me, and...


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