Monday, November 5, 2012

Day 26 - Remember remember, the 5th of November

I find it strange, that the weaker I am after a workout, the stronger I feel. I used to dread that rubbery legged wet spaghetti feeling that made me wonder whether I'd be able to push in the clutch on my car, or if I'd be trapped at the gym forever... but now, it's something I look forward to. It used to mean at least 3 days of barely being able to walk, and these days it's just another way to feel the progress. A way to know that I actually pushed myself, and that soon my wobbly limbs will be just that little bit stronger.

Today did nothing to derail my theory that Chris gets the butt whooping out of the way on Monday so we don't dread it all week... absolutely killer in the best of ways today! I had to thank Chris this morning, not just for the workout, but for Fitcamp in general, because with every giant moving box I pack and lift, I am so grateful for this journey - I would be dreading this move a whole lot more if my strength hadn't increased so dramatically in the last few weeks. I can't stand moving, but it's much more difficult when you're huffing and puffing trying to lift the box of plastic containers and paper towel...

So I've got that to "look forward to" at the end of this week, but at least I'm feeling far better prepared than I was before this all started. Double bonus - the new house is only a minute and a half away from Bodynetix! Now I have to find a way to keep going after I'm done the challenge! Not rain, nor sleet, nor being a broke homeowner, nor Christmas holidays (read: food) will stop me.

One thing that you can't help but notice is how quickly the group at Bodynetix becomes some strange sort of family. Even though I don't (and quite likely won't) know most of my groupmates' names, it's just kind of a silent understanding when you're in that room together. Chris will give you a tough set of exercises, or say "30 more seconds" for the 10th time... and there will be a collective groan, or sympathetic smiles between some members, and when it's all done, we quite often collapse to the mats en masse. If you see one another outside of the gym, there's usually a nod of recognition or even a quick chat if there's time. It's like a really good sports bra... tight knit support. 

Haven't tracked down a measuring tape yet, but I might be able to squeeze that into the schedule before we move. Stay tuned for a proper measure/weigh-in and hoping to see some readers take on a Fitcamp challenge of their own - even if it's just that first week to test the waters (and it doesn't have to be at 6am!) I'd love to hear about your experiences as well.

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