Sunday, September 23, 2012

Sunday Sermon: Wise Words from Winnie the Pooh

One of my favourite philosophers alive, dead, or fictional - is Winnie the Pooh. That fuzzy ol' bear always has the right thing to say. Today's words are a virtual high-five for all of those currently taking the FitCamp challenge themselves - and also even though there were a few bumps, week one is now behind me and I'm actually looking forward to week two.

An interesting thing happened in my (certifiably cracked) brain this weekend. As I was getting ready to head to the West Coast Women's show this weekend, my brain was absent mindedly coming up with a list of exercises, and arranging them in a circuit that I could do... at home... like on the weekends... That's when I realized that after 5 days, I'm already hooked.

So can anything really change in a week? In a word - Heck yeah!
1) My posture is probably the most pronounced change. SO much better. I'm a lifelong sloucher... being a little, well... "top heavy", it has always been more comfortable to hunch. So this is a rather surprising change for me. That would be thanks to the core, and shoulder work I'm guessing.

2) SLEEP. I've slept so much better. Apparently pure unadulterated exhaustion helps in the R.E.M. department.

3) It all comes down to the numbers in the end....

Weight: 146lbs (-1lb)
Waist: 33 inches (-1in)
Hip: 38 inches (-0.5in)
Chest: 39.5 inches (-1in)
Bicep: 12 inches (+0.5in)
Thigh: 23 inches (-1.5in)
Calf:15 inches (same)

So lost a total of 1 pound, and 4 inches in "problem zones", and put on a half an inch of muscle on my biceps. Yeah, that's right - you can all look forward to the gun show in the near future. ;-) All in all, not bad for 4 1/2 workouts! Gives me tons of hope for the future, knowing that as I get stronger, I'll be able to push harder, and strive for even better numbers.

And before I sign off for the evening, (given that it's past my bed time) - I have a product to shoot your way, after a couple of people were asking about protein sources on a plant based diet this weekend. (Thanks for asking guys! Love any opportunity to chat about this. :-D):

This comes with thanks to Edible Island Foods, and one of their product reps from Prairie Naturals who introduced me to possibly the most delicious protein powder I've ever had... it's called Organic Rice Protein - in Cafe Caramel Flavour. If you have the chance to give it a shot - do it. Om nom nom.Totally gives me something to look forward to in the morning!

With that, I bid you adieu. It's time to catch some winks, and get ready to take on day 1, week 2!

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