Today's level of frustration on a scale of 1-5? Sitting right around 100.
Yesterday I apparently got some mild food poisoning. At least that's what I'm assuming, since I went from fine, to so incredibly and totally not fine in about 10 minutes flat, and only one thing in my routine changed, which leads me to believe something I ate/drank was a little tainted.
Well I fought through it as best I could all day yesterday, and was still feeling pretty crappy last night. Woke up this morning, and felt more or less better, and I was pretty jazzed that my muscles were actually feeling awesome (compared to the rest of this week), so I couldn't wait to get to class and sweat out the rest of whatever my body was fighting.
Without going into too much detail, food poisoning, no matter how mild - dehydrates you a lot. So that was roadblock #1 to overcome. I was already behind the 8-ball before I walked in the door. Class gets underway, and I pretty quickly realize I'm not going to be able to sweat this out like I'd hoped. I put on my best brave face, clenched my jaw, and powered through for about half an hour, but at the first break, I knew I was done. I tried once more to keep going, but this was totally a "know when you're beat" situation. My head was spinning, my stomach was rebelling, and my heart was broken.
Right now it's all I can do not to burst into tears. Not just because I feel awful all over again - but because I'm so mad that my body is letting me down on the last day of week one. I had really been looking forward to posting how amazing it felt to have completed the first big uphill battle, and now all I want to do is go back to bed.
So -- Sorry if you're anywhere near as disappointed as I am. Don't give up on me yet though. I'm going to get through today as best I can, and start looking forward to next week. A setback is not a stop sign. It's more like a yield. I will yield to my body and better judgement for the moment. But Monday... it's go time.
***EDITED TO ADD*** I just realized why this situation makes me so mad. 90% of my body was "GO", yet the 10% won out. I don't like it when my body doesn't work democratically...
water, sugar, salt and a shot of lemon or lime juice and you've go your own electrolyte mix, sort of like gatorade or powerade without all the crap
ReplyDeleteFor electrolytes, I'm using Nuun tablets, which one of the sites I frequent recommended -, but I'm also drinking lemon water. My hydration has been great until today. I just lost so much water/nutrition yesterday being sick. :(
DeleteThe trick is to not beat yourself up on days that your body will just not cooperate. Its not like you poisoned yourself on purpose, and with all good intent in hand...I believe you need to take your own advice- "Listen to your body"!! Take the weekend to mend, rehydrate, renourish and get ready to hit the road running on Monday morning! Stop being so hard on yourself-the fact that you are doing this, and sharing for all to see, is of great merit in and of itself! Two steps forward, one step back is bound to happen, and you just say "there is tomorrow". Just like when ppl say they have a bad day on a diet, and then just blow it all to hell in a handbasket for the entire day or even week, just cuz they ate a chocolate bar-get over the moment and get back on track. Love ya Bre!
ReplyDeleteThanks for this encouragement. :) I'm gonna need a little extra cheerleading today.
DeleteI know I'll get over it, I'm just totally sulky right now. Combination of feeling gross, being SUPER overtired, still in a state of flux with my body/mind adjusting to this routine, and now on top of it - I can't drink Pumpkin Spice Lattes to make myself feel better about it! (As I think that's what made me ill.) That coupled with no appetite, decreasing blood sugar, and the fact that I've still gotta work today AND tomorrow... and it's just the perfect storm of pity party.
I WILL get over it. I WILL move forward, and I WILL come out swinging on Monday morning. But for now, I totally need to pout.
Hey, i'm shocked that with the workout you're going through that you can blog more than 'guh!' my brain would have been fried in a 'keep notes and write a big thing after' sort of way. You're doing great! And at least you tried. Now rest.
ReplyDeleteLOL... I have been tempted, I assure you. Sometimes I get the first line down, then stare at the screen for 20 minutes waiting for more words to come. :P
DeleteRest is imminent. Just wrapped up on-air, and now it's off to set up for the women's show - and have a NAP! My favourite three letters today.
I was at the 9:30 version...not sick but sure wanted to be! You are doing awesome, the mere fact that you have showed up 5 days in a row is amazing, I could only handle 2/week for the first month. Please dont beat yourself up about this, it happens, sometimes the body just screams ENOUGH. Rest for the weekend and you will be ready for yet another week of the brutal punishment we all love..
ReplyDeleteThank you thank you thank you... I needed some serious cheerleading today, and that's so very much appreciated! I'm trying to keep in mind what a huge transition my body and mind are undergoing right now, but it's tough when I wanna do one thing, and my body has other ideas.
DeleteI'm over my pity party. I'm rehydrating, on my way to resting shortly, and I'm gonna be chomping at the bit come tomorrow afternoon, to get back there on Monday. :)
I have heard coconut water is the cure-all! And you did make it to Day 5! You may not have finished this one class but you made it and gave it all that you had from the sounds of it! And it is huge accomplishment to go from nothing to 5-days of BodyNetix FitCamp!!! You should be VERY proud!
ReplyDeleteMy mom SWEARS by coconut water... I loooove coconut, but for some reason, just can't get into coconut water! I've tried several times. Maybe I'll try getting it into my smoothies, because it truly is remarkable.
DeleteAs I said above as well - I am trying to keep it in perspective for myself that my body and mind are both going through a SERIOUS transition right now, and there are bound to be some bumps on the road as I adjust to this new routine... so I'm over my poutfest and moving forward now.
Thanks for the much needed pat on the back. :)
Tip: no more pumpkin pie lattes...but how about adding some pumpkin pie spice to your vanilla protein shake...YUMMY!!!