Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Day 22 - In the words of Electric Light Orchestra...


Soooooo... I met Kendra. (In reality, she's lovely really, not evil. But she's definitely setting a strong precedent that even though she's new, there will be no letting up while she's at the helm!) Today was absolutely non-stop from the moment the music started, to the second we all collapsed on the floor to stretch at the end. Well played Kendra...

It's mornings like this that I have mixed feelings about my progress. There are moments where I think "wow, I wouldn't have been able to do this a couple of weeks ago. Go me!", and then there are others where I have the startling realization of "Wow... I still have SOOOOO far to go".

I didn't even realize until this morning, that there were that many different type of squat-like exercises you could do! OMG. Rocket squats, and star jumps, and side step lunge squats... and my brain just totally melted while trying to remember what else we had going on, because I'm in the process of blocking it from memory until Thursday morning when Kendra gets to take another crack at cracking us.

 And while we were doing all those squats and variations thereof - all I could think of was this:

Yup - we definitely made some fat cells cry today. Heck, I almost shed a tear of sympathy for them! Well, it might have been a tear of exhaustion and pain - but same difference really. And in the end, when it came time to stretch, I was proud to have made it through, and thrilled to have taken everything I could have from that workout. Kendra is a fantastic motivator, constantly giving you little benchmarks to work for, and the countdowns of 'halfway through!', 'Just 10 more seconds', '5..4..3..2..1..TIME' - help push you that little bit harder, because you know you've only got a few more seconds to milk it for all it's worth.

What a great addition to the team. Totally different rhythms and methods than what I've been through in the past 4 weeks, and perhaps just what I need to keep the progress going! Awesome to shake it up this morning. Now ask me how I feel about it tomorrow morning, and it might be a different story - but for now, thanks Kendra!

It's also a lot of fun to watch some others who are participating in Bodynetix challenges of their own. Currently Chris is running an agent challenge with local realtors, who are competing in teams to raise money for local charities of their choice while losing weight, getting toned, and aiming for some specific fitness goals. The end result will be tallied by a combination of scores: money raised, weight lost, body composition change and several others. Best of luck, and trust me you guys (and gals) - you will learn to love the burn! Particularly when it's earning you money for terrific causes :)

As Hallowe'en rears its most likely ugly head (if you're doin' it right) tomorrow night, try to keep your hands out of the candy bowl... A "fun size" Kit Kat bar is 80 calories. That's about 100 squats, give or take. That really doesn't sound like near as much 'Fun' as the packaging would make you believe. Just think about that when you play the 'One for the kids... one for me' game with the trick-or-treaters.

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